Soil Testing
Soil testing Derbyshire, South Yorkshire & Nottinghamshire
At Fawkes Recycling we analyse soil components such as nutrient levels, pH balance, and organic matter. This enables us to determine whether the soil we are removing is screenable and inert, hazardous, or non-hazardous and ultimately whether it is suitable for recycling.
The Fawkes Recycling Soil Testing Process
Our trained professionals collect samples from different areas across the site to better represent the entire space accurately. Using speci alised tools and technology we collect soil samples at varying depths to get an accurate overall picture.
We then assess the soil properties, including nutrient levels, texture, and pH. This can help us to better understand the qualities within the soil and how to process it.
After conducting the testing stage our soil experts can determine if the soil is inert, hazardous, or non-hazardous and ultimately whether it is suitable for recycling.
Why is soil testing so important?
We have strict acceptance criteria, meaning we need to see an up-to-date soil investigation report, which has been tested to the ISO17025 standard, to prove that the material isn’t contaminated.
Those reports are then checked by our leading chemical analyst, who has the final say on whether it is good enough for us to accept on site. This means the recycled product that we make from our material is also clean.
We then do additional testing on our recycled material to ensure it is fit and certified.