Environmental policy

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The Company’s objective is to be proactive and beneficial to environmental considerations by minimisation of direct pollution and indirect pollution as a consequence of landfilling

Implementation of the Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002, from 16 July 2004 gave rise to procedures for the acceptance and disposal of asbestos waste at all licenced sites.

All persons or companies depositing waste at Slittingmill Recycling Centre must be familiar with and comply with the following.

Waste Hierarchy requirements: Derive from E.U. Framework Directive and have been turned into U.K. Regulation through the Environment Waste Act 1995. This form part of the National Waste Strategy and is an underpinning principle: Hierarchy is:

  1. Prevention of waste.
  2. Reuse of waste.
  3. Recycling and composting of waste.
  4. Recovery of value of waste.
  5. Disposal of waste.

Environmental Protection Act 1990. Duty of Care in respect of waste, Section 34 [1]. Anybody who imports, treats carries, keeps or disposes of controlled waste, is to take care that all such measures applicable to him in that capacity as a reasonable in the circumstances. Please put this commentary at the front of the document and any document given to contractors tipping waste on the site.

Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 34 [3]. Obligation for waste carriers to hold a current waste carriers licence to be allowed to carry waste.

Control of Pollution [Amendment] Act 1989, Obligation for waste carriers to register with the E.A. Inform visiting contractors that tip waste on the site of their obligation.

Environmental Protection [Duty of Care] Regulations 1991, The regulation requires the transferor and the transferee of the waste should complete and sign transfer note for the waste and to that the waste is transferred. The transfer note must describe the waste in question and state its quantity, how it is stored, the time and place of the transfer and the name and address of the transferor and the transferee.

The Environmental Permit (England & Wales) Regulations 2016. These regulations under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 makes it an offence to treat, keep or dispose of controlled waste except under the accordance of a waste management Licence. [now superseded by site permits since IPPC was introduces after 2007] Enacted under Pollution and Prevention Control [England and Wales] Regulations 2000.


Sort waste at the Material Recovery/Recycling Facility Plastics, Ferrous, Non-Ferrous, Glass, Cloth, Soil, Bricks, Wood, Aggregate, Non-Recyclable


Plastics, Ferrous, Non-Ferrous, Glass and cloth are recycled to the relevant business sector Wood is chipped, mixed with soil and composted for use as garden mulch. Soil, Bricks and aggregate are crushed, screened, graded for use as topsoil, subsoil and hardcore.


A current project is to install a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Unit to burn wood chip and generate electricity for the site, thus removing our dependence on the use of fossilised fuel.

As stated above soil, bricks, wood and aggregate are all reused.

Minimise Landfill

By carrying out all of the above the impact on landfill is minimised and can assist in compliance with the European Union Landfill Directive.

Company History

The Company is family owned and managed by Mr D Hopkinson (Managing Director) who commenced trading as a sole trader in 1984. The Limited Company was formed in 1986 and commenced trading at the Slitting Mill site in 1993. Since then the business has successfully diversified and expanded into probably the largest Waste Management and Material Recovery/Recycling Facility in the region.

Waste Collection

The waste collection service comprises of all sizes of container from 2 cubic yards (min) to 40 cubic yard (hook loader), covered skips and drop door builders’ skips. In all there are in excess of six hundred skips and boxes.


On arrival at the site the waste is weighed and inspected for suitability and to ensure licence conformity. At this point the vehicle is directed to the relevant area for either sorting in the Material Recovery/Recycling Facility or to the Materials Storage Area for further processing

Material Recovery/Recycling Facility

Sorting of waste streams as outlined above.

Materials Storage Area

Segregated waste is stored in the appropriate licensed areas until required for reuse.

Permits and Licenses

  • All staff members are trained in the correct handling of waste
  • All staff members are conversant with the conditions of the site waste management permit
  • All machine operators and supervisors who operate mobile plant are trained in its use and have been made aware of the conditions within the Environmental Permit issued by NEDDC
  • Permit Ref; 70-02

The site is inspected daily for the following criteria:

  • Site Access Roads
  • Main Highway (B6053) Staveley to Eckington
  • Waste Handling on the site
  • Spillages
  • Litter and general tidiness
  • Dust
  • Odour
  • Noise
  • Health and Safety issues

And weekly for the following criteria:

  • Drainage and interceptors
  • Storage areas
  • Lighting
  • Vermin/pests/birds

The Inspections are recorded in the Site Office

The site is permitted by the Environment Agency to operate the facility by the following Environmental permit No EPR/AP3398ZZ

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